services Abz Pets provides at the moment
Dog walking
-I can travel up to 2 miles of wootton
Lunchtime walks 11am-3pm
* £15 1 dog for 30 minutes,
Additional dog £5 same household
* group walks 45 minutes £15
Additional dog same household £5
* 1 dog for 1 hour £20 -
Mornings, evenings & weekends only
Additional dog same household £10
All walks include pick up, travel in vehicle to secure area, drop off to home.treats and poo bags supplied by Abz pets unless requesting own treats to be given.walks will be from dogs home if the dogs don't travel well.time begins when walk begins not pick up.

Pet Sitting
-I can travel up to 3 miles of wootton
Pop ins (10 minutes) any pet- toilet break/feed/play in the house or garden/hutches/cages cleaned out
£10 per visit
Pet visits (20 minutes) -cats.
feed, litter tray, fuss and play
£15 per visit
wootton residents only - 2 visits per day
am and pm £20
Includes bin days, plants watering , curtains and blinds opening and closing.

Over night Pet sitting in your home
-I can travel up to 2 miles of wootton
Sleep over 1 night
10pm-6am £25
+ £5 additional dog or cat
With the understanding you will be returning home by 11am or add ons will be required
Daily price for more than one night
Standard sitting of
2 x 30 minute walks (morning and evening)
1 pop in in the afternoon
For 1 dog £50 per day
+ £10 Additional dog
1 free Additional pet e.g cat/rabbit/fish
£5 additional pets
*pop ins are 15 minute check in, feed, let out visits only
A meet and greet is necessary at least 4 weeks prior to the date you need me to care for your pets to ensure we are both happy with the arrangements and to also give you time to find services elsewhere should we not be suitable for each other.
To ensure your dogs welfare comes first your dog will not be left alone for longer than 4 hours at a time.
I will still be doing my usual dog walks and pet visits inbetween caring for your pet.